UPDATE (about basset hound) – Elephant and dog – best friends

January 7th, 2009 - 9:09 pm KY Time


Howllo Fellow Hound and update lovers, especially when it is about a basset hound that lives in an Elephant Sanctuary!

I e-mailed the sanctuary and asked about the hound! Here is what I heard back!

“Eleanor is her name, she was found on the road after being dumped after being over bred and luckily Carol Buckley was driving by at the time, and brought her back to the barn. She is a lovely loving girl. She likes to see what the elephants have forgotten to eat, you can read an entry about her and Ned in Ned’s diary.”


That link will take you to the webcam page and then click on Ned’s picture!

Here is Ned’s diary entry:

November 14, 2008

Ned had a great day. He ambled in and out of his barn all day, carrying groceries with him. Tonight he greeted his caregiver with a series of rumbles. Each time produce and grain were put in front of him, he rumbled; when the browse and bamboo were placed in his stall, he rumbled; when three varieties of hay where tossed his way, he rumbled; and when a watermelon rolled across the floor, stopping just inches from his trunk, he froze, glanced up and let out a gloriously long rumble. He is definitely coming around!

Ned went exploring first thing this morning, up the hill and into the woods he is a very curious guy. After a short time, he came back down the hill to the hay and produce spread around his yard. He found a watermelon, stepped on in and began eating. Eleanor, one of the Sanctuary rescued dogs, had spied Ned’s produce and wanted to help herself to a piece of potato. Ned stood calmly munching away on the watermelon while keeping one eye on the approaching dog. When Eleanor got closer than Ned felt appropriate, he spun and ran at her. What a sight; lanky-legged Ned racing at stubby-legged Eleanor the Bassett hound, running as quickly as her short little legs could. Eleanor dashed out of the yard, stopping just outside the corral. Ned ambled back to his groceries as Eleanor tried another approach. When Eleanor walked under the corral a second time, Ned raised his head and barked a vocalization at her. it was awesome; he was not intimated by the dog, he was simply setting boundaries. Eleanor froze at the sound, retreated outside of the corral again and plopped down on her belly looking for another approach to the prize potatoes.

Ned seemed to think this was a good game. He watched Eleanor and each time she tried to enter his yard, he would yell at her or run towards her. Her retreats seems less fearful and more frustrated that she could not fool this elephant. The two may prove to be good friends, we will just have to wait and see.

End of entry and UPDATE……………

Howllo Fellow Hounds and best friend lovers! Make sure when you watch this video you see a basset hound in the the first 30 seconds! I bet basset hounds love Elephants too!

How many of us think that basset hounds are big lovers like elephants?

If I could have another pet it would be an elephant. Can you imagine how cool it would be to have an elephant in your life?


More dreaming of elephants……Later, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. January 8th, 2009 | 2:47 am

    hi can we exchange links?..thanks

  2. Candy
    January 8th, 2009 | 9:07 am

    Awwwww how sweet. Bailey and I would like a pet bear. Panda, polar, black bear, doesn’t matter. But, I guess we would need a bigger apartment, huh?

  3. MaureenandSlinky
    January 8th, 2009 | 10:33 am

    I just saw this, I think it is so sweet and special.

  4. January 8th, 2009 | 11:29 am

    How wonderful to see the love between them. Friends forever.

  5. Candy
    January 8th, 2009 | 2:05 pm

    Oh Oh i can see it now – Eleanor, the new mayor of Elephanttown.com.

  6. Devon Leigh Smith
    January 8th, 2009 | 7:24 pm

    LOVE IT! Thanks for posting Cat! 🙂

  7. January 9th, 2009 | 10:10 am

    Elephanttown.com That is toooooo funny! Cat

  8. Cat
    January 9th, 2009 | 5:46 pm

    Candy, that is so funny. I always call Chaps my baby bear cub! Maybe you already have a bear!



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