I have a family of cardinals living in my backyard

January 13th, 2009 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and cardinal lovers. Yesterday I notice a small dark bird that landed on my back porch and thought to myself that it looked like a baby cardinal. I thought nah, it couldn’t be. Then her sibling landed next to her. A bright red baby boy cardinal! KOOOOL! I was totally jazzed until I saw that they were trying to eat dirt. Ahhhh, poor babies.

Then guess who flies up? Mommy. She starts pecking around in the flower box and I am just about to cry when none other than Daddy lands. A giant beautiful big red boy. Now they are all pecking around like a bunch of dirt dogs.

So, I enlist my Dad to go get bird seed pronto! He flies out the door like a hungry bird and is back in no time. I haven’t seen the family since. I am now going to worry.

I think the big Daddy was the same guy who I photographed on my birthday this year.


I think birds like my back yard because of the dogs. We have a fair amount of cats that roam at large and well, you know.

I have had the same bird families year after year. I noticed yesterday that when big daddy flew up he looked down to see if the hounds were on the porch. It happens in an instant.

Well the flower box troth is filled with goodies. I think you can see the rye bread I crumpled up for them and there is plenty of bird seed.


I think they live in the big bush to the right. Looks pretty warm and comfy to me.


I will keep you all posted.

Dinner’s ready – come and get it!

More pretty birds later…….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Oh those babies were so cute.


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    January 13th, 2009 | 2:03 pm

    I love to see cardinals this time of year. I love their bright color.

    I frequently buy shell corn at the pet store I go to and feed the ducks at the creek in my condo complex.

  2. Candy
    January 13th, 2009 | 2:05 pm

    Cat – there is nothing prettier against the white snow than a bright red cardinal. Don’t worry, they’ll be back; they know where the good snacks are. HMMMM. . . . do you think bassets are related to birds????????

  3. Mary Tipping
    January 14th, 2009 | 9:43 am

    Such pretty birds are cardinals! Perhaps you need to put out a sign that says: “Eat at CAT’S!–hmmm, on second thought, that may put them off;)–BWHAHAHA! They’ll be back–just put out lots of sunflower seeds! I have suet in a hanging basket on my porch and am getting several types of woodpeckers, who are also lovely with their bright red heads!

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo–and kitty Puckwheat, who LOVES watching the boidees, smacking his lips the entire time humming “I’m a bird watcher” to the tune of “I’m a girl watcher”;)…

  4. January 14th, 2009 | 6:21 pm

    Mary – that is so funny! I am going to try your suggestions. I have still not seen the family, but hope springs eternal!


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