What is Chaps doing?
Howllo Fellow basset hound and wondering what Chaps’s is doing lovers: I was walking through my living room and glanced over and witnessed Chaps in a position never before seen!!!!
Why would a hound lay with his rear end on the step like that? Let’s take a closer look.
Interesting…….. It might be comfortable, who knows? But what is he doing?
OK, that answers it. Chaps is playing with his favorite toy.
But why was he laying like that? Only the Mayor knows for sure!
Well, I guess you know what I have to do now? Go vacuum my carpet out of complete embarrassment. Grandma always says it looks like it snowed in your TV room! LOL
No wonder I woke up coughing and gagging this morning.
More Mysterious Chaps photos later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Maybe this position is good for his back/spine; or maybe he just likes to elevate himself whenever and wherever possible.
If the Mayor told us everything he wouldn’t have any surprizes for us. Homer got a valentine package from Slinky/Boss Basset yesterday. He says thank you very much and so dso his little brudders! Happy Valentines Day everyone.
Thanks Homer and the gang, I’m glad you received your Valentine from me.
Maybe he’s working on his height situation.
I was also thinking it was comfortable for his back. You know, like those things that flip people upside down and let them hang there.
More likely, that’s probably just where he landed.