Basset Hound Blogs………We LOVE YOU!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Blogs Lovers!
I see so many of you out there. I try to comment but you have so many restrictions on your blog comments. I wind up not being able to tell you how I love your postings. So, if you have a basset hound blog I have probably seen it and tried to comment.
However the restrictions are too tight to comment! The last blog I just tried to comment on wanted me to sign up for an account on Blogger which I already have. I logged into blogger and then went back to the blog and I had to key in my blogger id which I did. Then I left my comment and then I had to key in the security numbers and then after I did that I it said my blogger password was not valid so then I said forget it! LOL
More wishing we could comment on your lovely hounds later…….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hey Chaps honey–looks like you have a new pair of choppers in this photo LOL you cutie you.
auntie sandy
hahahaha! I picked a picture where it looked like Chaps was talking. I was cracking up over that picture!
We love our Auntie Sandy
How funny – it does look like Chaps is showing off some new teeth!