Israel Kamakawiwo’Ole 5-20-59 – 6-26-97
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers. The planets lined up today for this posting. (Or maybe it’s the blue moon tonight!) I had been thinking of Lily all day and all of my hounds at the rainbow bridge. Then I watched Devon’s Birthday Montage again. If you have not seen it, type the word montage in the blog search area. It is so sweet. I love the song, Somewhere over the Rainbow that she used so much. Then I googled the artist who sings this version,
Israel Kamakawiwi’Ole
What a wonderful artist.
Then, to top it off, I just got home from taking a walk and received 5 bucks from Kip and Gus for basset bucks. Kip writes:
Hi Cat, Chaps and Emma,
Just heard Billy Ray Cyrus sing Over The Rainbow. It was beautiful. It made me think of all the precious hounds at the bridge so I needed to send a little something for them. Love you guys!!
Kip and Gus
Billy Ray does not have his rendition on YouTube, but the fabulous Israel does. Enjoy and remember all of your dearly departed. Thank you Kip and Gus! Lily is smiling from the Rainbow Bridge right now.
Gone from this earth ten years ago this month 6-26-07
Throughout the latter part of his life, Iz was significantly obease and at one point carried 758 pounds on his 6’2” frame. He died of weight related respritory illness at the age of 38. Over 10,000 people attended his funeral. His ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean at Makua Beach. He was a powerful supporter of Hawaiian rights and Hawaiian independence. He made a difference and he is still making a difference. Thanks Iz!
The planets did line up today. Loved that story Cat. I have seen Devons B-Day Montage which was beautiful but I was unaware that Somewhere Over The Rainbow was played on it. I just got my sound working on my computer today after quite sometime. Thanks for sharing the Israel version. Wonderful. Billy Rays version will be out on his new album next month.
I am sure Lily is smiling from the bridge right now and very proud of her Mom.
Lets all wish upon a star that all hounds everywhere will be loved and cared for. You are helping that come true Cat. Thankaarrooo! We all love ya!!!!!!
I loved it. Ken
Thanks so much for posting the video of Iz. I have heard this version many times and always loved it but did not know the story behind the artist. Made me cry. Too beautiful.
Judy & Bubbles
check out IZ’s brand new CD—-and learn all about him at either or
Thanks for the kind words. Hiz music often comforts.