Chaps has a look a like!
Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers:
Brenda saw Chaps and YouTube a few days ago and sent me an e-mail saying, she has a Chaps’ look a like!
So I told her to prove it!
The resemblance is amazing! Which one is Chaps?
Howl can two hounds be so handsome?
Both hounds like to lounge!
Which one is the Chaps’ look a like?
So similar the markings. It must mean one thing?
Chaps and Luke have the same Mommy! Meet BoBac Paul Newman Cool Hand Luke! Their Mommy is BoBac Glory of the Roses.
I hope you liked our little story! I wonder if you guessed correctly???
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
OMG She wasn’t kidding. Ken
They really do look sooooo much alike! I love the homepage of Chaps talking!! Lets stay in touch.
Lukes mom
WoW! They are twins! Amazing how alike they are. Extremely handsome of course!