Emma had a 9 week post op check today for her back surgery!

May 22nd, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Checking on the Post Op Report for Emma Lovers! It has been 9 weeks since Emma had her hemilaminectomy. That means she had a disc removed. Emma has the will of an Iron Woman and she was going to get to the finish line with flying colors. The surgeon was amazed and thrilled with her progress. Of course Grandma and I were beaming with pride because we are working like crazy with her. I thought my dear readers would enjoy seeing how we get Emma into the Element.

This little ramp is right outside of my front door. I had to move a rock to make it lower for our girl. Emma knows perfectly where this ramp is. It took her one time. As she gets into position to move down the ramp, I will tap it so she can hear where the middle is. I am at the bottom and Grandma is at the top. OT – Those are my Stella Doras next to the ramp. I think I need to thin them out?


Then Grandma walks Emma across the front yard towards the neighbors driveway. It is a perfect place for loading Emma.


This is also how we leave the house for a walk. This way she avoids all steps. After her first time going this way she was a pro. She is just brillant. The employees at the vet office were swarming her. I kid you not. They took her off to weigh her and I peaked out and about 6 gals were petting her. She was in heaven. One of the gals said that Emma might be gone awhile because she had another hallway to walk down and greet her admirers.

This is good shot, it shows you how I set up the ramp into the Element. She basically has no stress to her back at all.


Emma received a entire new set of exercises from her Physical Therapist. My goodness, if I did everything on the list I would have to quit my job and sell Lily books on the street corner. This set is very involved but very important. OK – maybe I just need to get up a bit earlier – Dog Forbid!


It was a great day for the Rudert Family! Especially for Emmers – one small order of McDonald’s fries, hold the salt!

More crossing finish lines later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Debbie Wood and King JB, Angel,Lucky, Templeton
    May 22nd, 2009 | 6:42 pm

    So glad Emma’s checkup went well. I love the idea of that ramp to get Emma in the element. The exercises might seem like they take alot of time to get them done but just look at the results you see how Emma is now and the more exercises she does the better and stronger she is going to get. You may have to get up earlier to work with her but remember not to disturb Chaps I don’t think he would want to get up earlier then he has too. Just look at how well Emma is now because of all you have done for her. In no time she is going to be so strong and getting around great on her own.


  2. Trisha, Brutus, Lulu, & jaws
    May 22nd, 2009 | 6:42 pm

    Yay for Emma, she is a true wonder woman, and so are you Cat. Your dedication to her recovery amazes me. Looking forward to more great updates!

  3. lois
    May 22nd, 2009 | 10:16 pm

    that yellow exercise piece/toy in the pix looks like a kong for dinosaurs!

    emma is a star…but so are you guys…she couldn’t have done it without her “peeps”

    have you tried putting the tub sticky things on the middle of the ramp too so she can feel where she is with her feet for extra confidence too? just thinking that might help in case the weather is damp one day when you go out…you can also get strips for steps at hardware stores or pool supply places…like anti-slip tapes…that might work too…then you could tape the whole flight path for the ramp for her.

    sorry…had zeppole for dinner so i’m sugar fueled and chock full of energy

  4. May 23rd, 2009 | 7:38 am

    Emma is remarkable! And yes, so is her Mom and Grandma. Emma’s strength comes from the love and dedication of her family. I KNEW she wouldn’t fail. Sounds like she’s making her way to home plate. You go girl!

  5. NIN
    May 23rd, 2009 | 8:53 am

    You are too funny!! In order to follow most medical/vet advice one really would have to quit their day job! I think they tell folks that so if the outcome is not good it’s never the surgeon’s fault…I certainly see that in the medical community with people.

  6. May 23rd, 2009 | 9:12 am

    Lois – I just put that on my Lowes list. I forgot about it. I am going to do that.

    What is Zeppole?


  7. May 23rd, 2009 | 9:14 am

    Nin – It took all I could not to laugh. I glanced over at Mom and she had the strangest look on her face. I patted her on the leg and told her she was going to be a busy girl!


  8. May 23rd, 2009 | 11:33 am

    Zeppole is Italian. It’s basically a fried doughnut filled with ricotta cheese, dusted with confectioners sugar and served warm. They are amazing, but you certainly wouldn’t want to eat them everyday!

  9. Lora
    May 23rd, 2009 | 3:53 pm

    Wow!! The two of you are coming along nicely. What a pair of troopers. Rock ON!

  10. Soupkan
    May 23rd, 2009 | 7:57 pm

    Yeah for Emma!!!!

    I agree such dedication to her recovery!

  11. Cat
    May 23rd, 2009 | 8:09 pm

    Yummy! I want one now!

  12. lois
    May 23rd, 2009 | 8:12 pm

    okay maybe YOU wouldn’t want to eat them every day but i could!

    around here( the jersey shore) its just fried dough…no cheese and dusted with confectioners sugar…i’m lucky(?!?) enough to live next to an amusement park/boardwalk so all summer long i can parktake on zeppole, ice cream, french fries, hot dogs etc.

    there is a french fries stand on the boardwalk…i came home one day to find a 25 pound bag of potatoes stashed beneath my front steps..okay i thought myabe somebought came by and left me the bag because they were on sale…or maybe one of the neighbors bought them and just hadn’t carried them upstairs yet…turns out some local hoodlums stole them from the stand and realized just how heavy they got and left themat the first place they came across. why couldn’t they have stole steaks? lobsters? bags of cash?

  13. MaureenandSlinky
    May 27th, 2009 | 9:02 am

    I think the vet and therapist should pay you to show Our Emma as an example.

    I am not surprised Emma is recovering so rapidly, she will never let anything get her down.

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