Chaps is resting and I am staring at his cyst.
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and hating cyst haters! Wow, this is one angry, ugly cyst. I cannot believe how it expanded over the course of one night. The Mayor must have been in such pain.
Well, our vet told us that due to the location, swelling and infection he would not even consider removing the ginormous cyst at this time. He has Chaps on a high powered anti-biotic and pain pills as needed. I am also to do warm compresses twice a day for 15 minutes at a time. Chaps absolutely loves them.
I am hoping the cyst opens up and we can treat it without sugery. The vet told us it is entirely possible that he will just need maintance on it from time to time. The tail is a very touchy area to perform a cyst removal of this size. You have to have enough skin to close the margins. Without the proper amount of skin all kinds of problems will arise. He just will not that that risk which I am very thankful for.
Here is Grandma giving Chaps a massage while we waited for our vet to check out the Mayor. His tail is firmly down.
Here is the Mayor ready to go before we even got started. Chaps is very much a DOG OF WORLD! Chaps was such a good boy and was very brave indeed! Mommy, not so much.
His tail is now shaved in that area and bandaged with a light cloth. I will let it air out all day tomorrow. I just cannot take a picture of this thing for fear of my dear readers running and screaming into the night. The vet tech saw it and said, “Yuck – that thing is ugly”.
I whispered into the Mayor’s ear that she was only talking about the cyst, not him.
More helping the Mayor in his time of need later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Hugs and kisses being sent to Bassethound town for Chaps and Mom. Good grief, Cat, can you ever catch a break? We are hoping for a restful night for all. Look forward to good news on Friday.
Candy, that is just what I was asking my Mom today. Her reply was, “You just did, Chaps does not need surgery right now.”! I guess Moms do know best!
Wishes for the meds to work and quickly coming Chaps way. Can Emmers sit with him to give u and Grandma a much deserved break?
Chaps looks so brave, I hope he recovers soon. Meanwhile, plenty of extra naps and treats should be the watchwords for the Mayor.