It’s snowing in Basset hound town!

December 7th, 2006 - 9:09 am KY Time

Dear fellow hound lovers! Good morning! It is our first snow of the season and it is quite fetching! I will add a picture later today, but I cannot get the kids to put their danty paws in the white stuff quite yet! Thank goodness I have a back porch for other “duties” ! More Later today….Cat, Chaps and Emma


This series of pictures took less than 30 seconds. Emma does not like SNOW! She is currently in her bed, tucked under the covers! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Luvalea
    December 8th, 2006 | 1:00 am

    Awww…poor Emma! I really don’t blame her, I would prefer to stay warm, tucked under the covers in bed too!! (What beautiful pics!)

    We had a light dusting of snow in Toronto the other day…Oakley loves it! He just hates the dreaded salt that the City feels they must pickle the sidewalks with. They even had the nerve to put it down in our park! How dare them!! I was going to try boots again with Oakley (never stayed on in the past), but was informed by my niece that you can buy baby socks with the little rubber thingys on the bottoms, that work well…and are far less expensive. I’m going to give it a try…at least when you lose one you won’t feel like crying, as good doggy boots cost approx. $70. eeeekk

    Love ya, Tawny & Oakley
    (snowless, but freezing in Toronto)

  2. December 8th, 2006 | 5:30 am

    I hope your new coats keep you warm and toasty!!I think you might need a cup of hot cocoa when you go in!!!

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