What’s the worst that could happen?

July 5th, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering what’s the worst that could happen in regarding to noise phobia and Chaps? Hum, I would say someone letting off a home made bomb next door to me. Yes, folks there was terrorism right on our street last night. It was freaking the loudest scariest thing I had ever heard.

The bomb was placed in the grassy patch right by the curb. This picture was taken this morning out of my dining room window. The grassy patch is right by the street.


The explosion actually rocked my home. Chaps was so scared I think he went into shock. I immediately called 911 and ran out front. The blue smoke was so thick I could not see the other side of the street. Everyone was coming out of their homes looking dazed. A few seconds later a fleet of Police cars arrived. Many of them had heard the explosion from across town.

A car that was parked right by the bomb had the windows blown out and debry was scattered in most of our yards.

I am so freaked out over this. Who does this? I consider what happened terrorism.

I sure hope I find out what is going on. I guess it is not the worst that could have happened. Someone could have been hurt, or worse.

More wondering about why later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Emily
    July 5th, 2009 | 10:06 am

    Wow Cat! That is scary! Glad to hear no one was hurt!

  2. Bruce, Gretchen, Napoleon & Sophie
    July 5th, 2009 | 10:32 am

    We hope you are all o.k. and recovering as well as can be expected from such a terrible incident. People are just so stupid sometimes. Please give Chaps a reassuring rub behind the ears from all of us.


  3. Mary and Scully
    July 5th, 2009 | 11:10 am

    Holy crap, that would be very scary!! Thank God nobody got hurt, but geez, it takes a real idiot to do something like that. Please give poor Chaps a hug from me.

  4. Judi Troub
    July 5th, 2009 | 11:36 am

    Wow! And I thought the neighbors shooting off morters next door & having two terrified dogs was bad but I guess you had it a lot worse! I’m glad no one was hurt and the damaged was minimal. Give Chaps (& Emma) lots of reassuring hugs!

  5. July 5th, 2009 | 4:21 pm

    Why do people have to be such idiots?! I went to bed early and we didn’t have anything even close to what happened to you but some kids across the street were shooting fire works. We have a burn ban here cuz it’s been a month since it’s rained and it’s really dry. Now why would any parents with brains let their kids shoot bottle rockets? I guess I answered my own question. They don’t have any brains! I was told they weren’t going to be selling anything that went up in the air in this area so no telling where they got it. We could have had a fire! Our house could have burned down! The dogs were in their nite nite room and theres a toilet nook in there. Real tiny little room. Ronald said he went in there for something and Harriet was between the toilet and the trash can with her face hidden. Then Rugs was shaking like a vibrator. If I were up I would have brought them in but he didn’t. Luckily it only lasted about 15 or 30 mins. I’m like Chaps. Why do they need fireworks?!

  6. July 7th, 2009 | 11:50 am

    The 4th of July makes people stupid. Saw a story that a kid used duct tape to bundle together 144 sparklers, then lit it. Blew his hand off. Saturday night here, the pinheads started a fireworks duel about 8pm and were still going at 2am. Nell and Sophie aren’t normally bothered by such noises, but it was non-stop for so many hours, even they were upset (so was I!).

    What I would like to know is where people are getting the money to burn – literally – on all these fireworks? What a waste and annoyance and a danger.

    I’m glad you guys are ok.

  7. Cat
    July 7th, 2009 | 3:33 pm

    OM – I so agree with you. I really think that fireworks should be banned for personal use.

    I cannot get over how people would want to burn money up like that.

    I have found out a few more tidbits about the incident and I hope the detective who is working on this closes in on the terrorist. I also hope the guy that got car bombed get’s his expenses taken care of.


  8. MaureenandSlinky
    July 8th, 2009 | 2:30 pm

    What an irresponsible thing to do. I hope the perpetrator gets his/her come uppenance.

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