Wadda ya mean, no food or water after midnight?

July 8th, 2009 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and worried Mommy lovers:




Well, the Mayor is getting his teeth cleaned tomorrow and also having the cyst removed from his tail area. Oh Lord, I won’t get a wink of sleep tonight. This is just the type of thing that will bring out the warts in a a worry wart like me!

The Mayor must have a proud tail. He can’t go around with a growth like that! He has an image and a tail to uphold!

OK, I was trying to make myself feel better. Sigh…….

Will you drool for him at about 10:00am our time?

More warts later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. lois
    July 8th, 2009 | 3:24 pm

    we here will be thinking happy teeth & tail thoughts for you guys! been thru the exact same feeling s 2 weeks ago with buster and his ear so i know the worry feelings well…it ain’t fun…it will go well…

    poor mayor tho…hurting at both ends…man…that just ain’t fair! poor guy! i’d be worried cat…he might just smother you in yer sleep when he’s feeling better!!!! he does have those eyes…….

  2. kipandgus
    July 8th, 2009 | 3:37 pm

    We hope all will go well Mayor. I am sure it will be harder on Mom than you. Drool coming your way from the gang here.
    Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie

  3. Mary Tipping
    July 8th, 2009 | 3:45 pm

    Tons of no-worry, clean-toofers and cyst-be-gone drool will flow your and the Mayor’s way tonight and tomorrow morning, and a prayer to St. Francis to keep him safe from me:) He will be just fine!! Keep us posted,

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo

  4. Candace Wilson
    July 8th, 2009 | 5:22 pm

    Fingers, toes and paws crossed for good new Thursday afternoon.

    The mayor is tough, mommy, not so much.

    Sending happy thoughts to you all (you know, Miss Emma) will be worrying until her boy comes home.)

    Candy and Bailey

  5. MaureenandSlinky
    July 8th, 2009 | 5:28 pm

    Don’t forget to use that blue bandage I sent you for the Mayor’s tail, while the Mayor is recovering. I could rush a purple bandage to you, since the Mayor is quite regal. Let me know.

    You do realize that after two such medical/dental procedures. Extra treats are essential. The Mayor cannot be denied any luxuries or delicacies.

    Perhaps Our Emma can pitch in on Weisenheimer Wisdom and the Thought for the Day, while the Mayor is indisposed.

    P.S. Don’t forget to vote for Magnum on the Daily Drool.

  6. July 8th, 2009 | 8:36 pm

    We’re drooling big time for the Mayor here at the Doyle residence. I know how it feels too. I can sleep at night but then I can’t concentrate on work or anything the day of the surgery. I’m just a basket case. So I usually take off when someone has surgery and I try to keep myself busy and hug the hounds that are around me. My vet lets my dogs have water but they can’t have food. That’s weird that some would let them drink and some won’t. I’m so glad because my hounds only eat once a day in the evening anyway so they don’t have to do without.

    Chaps will be just fine! Keep us posted.

  7. July 8th, 2009 | 8:40 pm

    Oh goodness. I just voted for Magnum and he needs some help!

  8. Mary and Scully
    July 8th, 2009 | 9:19 pm

    Scully will be sending massive amounts of drool for Chaps. He’ll be just fine, and even more kissable when he comes home! I totally understand the worry wart syndrome though. I’m a wreck whenever my furry monster goes in for any kind of procedure too.

  9. July 9th, 2009 | 8:37 am

    I understand how much u will be worrying about the Mayor today. I will be saying a prayer for him at the stroke of 10. Poor boy will be assaulted from both ends, but I’m sure Emma will be able to comfort him tonite when u bring him home. Good luck Chaps.

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