Chaps is learning how to play nice and Emma is learning not to egg him on!

July 15th, 2009 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and learning how to play nice lovers:

Prior to Emma’s back surgery Chaps would play very ruff with Emma. I tried to stop it but she seemed to love it so much. She is a tomboy. She would race towards him and cut corners and he would catch her and tackle her. They had so much fun. Well, we have now all learned that Emma is a tomboy at heart but not of body. Her back is too delicate to risk that kind of play ever again. So, Chaps is learning to play nice and Emma is learning not to egg him on.

This morning it was so cute. Emma was trying to get Chaps goat by biting his fatty, fatty paws. This really gets him going.


Then she makes her next move which is flipping his ears up over his head.


This really gets him going even more. This is the point that I have to move in and make sure he does not jump on her back. I can see the maneuver beginning and I just gently touch him on the back and say, “easy, no jump Emma’s back”.

Then he did this! The ole entice Emma to the toy corner move!


Then Emma goes in for the kill, biting his neck bags!


Then Chaps gets all rambunctious and wants to take her down!


This is when Mommy steps in and hollars, “TREAT, TREAT!”

The Mayor says, “That’s fine with me!”


More learning how to play nice and not egging on later……..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    July 15th, 2009 | 9:46 am

    I never thought a human could detract a Basset, even with a treat. That’s pretty smart Cat, but I have a feeling Our Emma, and the Mayor will make this work in their favor for the future.

  2. July 15th, 2009 | 9:53 am

    Cat – you must know that they planned this all out. It’s in their operations manual under the heading of “How to get treats from Mommy in 5 easy steps”.

  3. Cindy, Jethro, Rugby, Ozzie and Harriet
    July 15th, 2009 | 10:52 am

    Good on Kerry! I love to watch bassets play. They are so cute. They play so different from other breeds. My problem is Jethro and Harriet. They still don’t like each other after 14 months. It’s gradually getting better but it takes a long time. And Ozzie has never played. Not sure why. Harriet didn’t know what playing was when I got her but Rugs has been so good with her and is showing her how. She actually pawed Rugby’s butt last night while he was laying down then her ears perked up and she stood back ready to pounce and play. Rugs wasn’t in the mood so that’s as far as it went. They’re just so dang cute!!!

  4. Emily
    July 15th, 2009 | 3:13 pm


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