Big Joey – a guy after your heart!

September 5th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering about Big Joey Lovers: Well, we are home now after going to visit our Big Joey down in Grant County KY ! He is such a good boy.

Before we left, Grandpa came down to my place to babysit the kids. He always brings rye bread heels that he saves for them.


Grandma and I took off and arrived at the exit for the Grant County Pound in 43 minutes.


That sign to the right says Animal Shelter. Which by the way is right next door to the Grant County Detention Center. When we pulled in I turned to Grandma and asked her, “why would they need barbed wired to contain the dogs?” DUH………

I was meeting a guy named Steve today and he told me that he would meet me outside the gates after he sprung the inmates. I thought he was referring to the dogs that he was taking to an adoption fair but he actually meant that he was springing some of the inmates to work at the pound for the day!

So, Grandma and I are waiting at the gates and down the driveway walks six guys in orange T-shirts that say, INMATE. As they approached us, Steve turns to one of them and said, “Go get Big Joey for the basset hound ladies”.


I glanced at Grandma and she looked a bit ashen. I was thinking – buckle up buttercup, we are going to see Big Joey get sprung as well. I was wondering what a Class D Felon was. I saw it on a sign we passed by.

Steve wanted to show us how good Big Joey was at getting his ears cleaned and he did do great. A few days ago he was screaming in pain. Big Joey loves Steve and actually was jumping and crying for him.


This is the big guy looking at Grandma. His tail never stopped wagging.


I seem to wear the same T-shirt in every photo that I am working with a rescue hound. I think I might need a new look! LOL


Oh what the heck, the hounds don’t mind!


Who amongst us think that Big Joey looks like Rudolph? Remember Rudy? If not you can search for him on this blog and see pictures. I wonder if I have the same shirt on? hehe


Here are two more pictures of Big Joey……..



Grandma and I did not take Big Joey for a walk because the inmates were working outside. Steve told us that Big Joey would be neutered this week and after his recovery Suzanne of Mid-Atlantic will transport him to New Jersey. I reported back to Suzanne and informed her that the big guy is adoptable and ready to roll. There was some concern about his demeanor but that was all chalked up to his massive ear infection. Steve could hardly touch him prior to the meds and now Big Joey is jumping in his lap for love.

Suzanne might have Big Joey and another KY hound picked up at the airport. That makes my heart soar to think of Big Joey flying to his forever home.

Of course I cannot end this blog posting without a cute rear end shot with Mountain Dew. How Kentucky can you get?


More buckling up buttercups and rye bread heels later………Love, Cat, Grandma, Chaps and Emma


  1. BJ
    September 5th, 2009 | 7:53 pm

    Cat…what a Labor of Love” Big Joey is one lucky boy! You have such a big and generous heart…we love you for all you do! Bet this trip home reguire a stop at McDonald’s for some good old “suck up food” french fries..I am sure
    Chaps and Emma did the happy dance when you got
    home..Have great weekend.

  2. Paula and Samantha Josephine
    September 5th, 2009 | 8:13 pm

    You are one fantastic lady for the love and care you give to all. How Ky can you get indeed…..even after 25 years of living in Ohio and, make no mistake about it, I am at the “Shoe” whenever the opportunity presents itself, I still bleed KENTUCKY WILDCAT BLUE and MOREHEAD EAGLE BLUE & GOLD!

  3. September 5th, 2009 | 8:16 pm

    Thanks for your time and effort to go visit and evaluate Big Joey for us!!! I have a pilot all set to bring Big Joey to Joisey, along with the other hound (or two). From what I’ve heard, we might need two hounds to balance Big Joey’s weight in the plane!!

  4. Debbie Wood and King JB, Angel,Lucky, Templeton
    September 5th, 2009 | 8:22 pm

    Thanks Cat for checking out Big Joey. I am so glad he is getting out of that shelter he deserves a great forever home he is one beautiful big boy

  5. September 5th, 2009 | 8:44 pm

    Suzanne – that is so funny! Yes you are correct! You might need 2 more hounds to balance Big Joey! You do good work Ms. Fitch! Very good work!

  6. September 5th, 2009 | 8:49 pm

    So glad Big Joey will be heading to his new home in high-flying style. Glad you and your mom checked him out and gave him a special visit.

    I love the picture of Chaps and Emma with Grandpa. Could they get any closer or stare any more intently?! They do love their Grandpa and the snacks he brings.

  7. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 6th, 2009 | 12:27 pm

    I like the picture of Grandpa with Emma and Chaps too. Emma looks so cute standing there looking at her Grandpa as if she has sight. And I’m sure she does! That nose is her eyes and it does a very, very good job. She’s too pretty. And Chaps is handsome. Can’t leave him out! So glad that Joey has a home! I didn’t realize he was arleady adopted? Wow. Cool for him! Love the pics. I know you will keep us all updated!

  8. Cindy, Jethro, Rugs, Oz and Harriet
    September 6th, 2009 | 1:07 pm

    Cat, you got me curious. Found this…

    For a Class D Felony, the penalty is a fine of up to $100,000, or imprisonment of up to 25 years, or both; however, for a repeat offender, the term of imprisonment may increase up to 2 years with prior misdemeanor convictions, and up to 6 years with a prior felony conviction.

    Felony Drunk Driving (Fifth or subsequent offense) | Felony Vehicular Homicide |
    Vehicular Homicide While Intoxicated | Child Enticement | Solicitation Of A Child |

  9. joni brooks
    September 6th, 2009 | 2:58 pm

    I love Big Joey and yes he does look like Rudy. I hope he has a long healthy life.Imagine him getting to fly to N.J. He’s a lucky boy all right. Thanks to you and grandma for going to visit Big Joey.

  10. Wanda
    September 7th, 2009 | 9:20 am

    Just want to say “Thank You!” both for going to see Big Joey. We need many more folks like you and your parents in this world. God Bless you so much.

  11. September 7th, 2009 | 12:15 pm

    Cat, you’re a star! It breaks my heart to see such wonderful woofs ending up like this. Glad things are looking up for him (and nice T-shirt by the way!).

    Great pic of Grandpa and your two. I know that look all too well. Foooooood!!!

  12. MaureenandSlinky
    September 9th, 2009 | 11:19 am

    It sounds like Big Joey is getting the best of everything. This is wonderful, and from the looks of it–Big Joey deserves nothing but the best!

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