I need a new computer:( UGH……
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and needing a new computer lovers: Well, I have been dreaming of a new lap top for years but it was on my want list not my need list. So, yesterday the dream moved to my need list. My Mac G5, (Gina) which I have had since 2005, and was one of the first resident of Basset Hound Town is dying. The Mother Board is crashing. Wow, that sounds serious! Anyway, here I am the day I brought her home.
All bright eyed and ready to start a new town. Fond memories indeed. I am on line right now because my system is letting me. It just crashes from time to time and I try to do as much as possible. So dear readers, it is time to say good bye to one of our faithful residents. Gina the G5. If you don’t hear from me that is why. There could be a sale on black Friday so I am checking that out.
More hoping to be back soon…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Maybe we should take up a collection for a new computer for Basset Hound Town.
Yeah, set up a firstgiving page! Ha!
Well, we got on for a few more seconds. The new system is a business expense. Gina is old by Mac standards. Apple builds them as throw aways so you have to buy a new one instead of repair it.
FG! Cindy, that is so funny and I think I know where you are going with that one.
There is a big “rescue” in CA that sets up FG pages to pay the mortgage on their for profit business.
More later….Cat
Yep, that’s exactly what I was thinking Cat.
You have my sympathy, Cat. I cried when George and Chloe, the pups, sent my MacBook Pro flying in the summer and smashed on the floor. It was only 3 months old. Thankfully I lease my Macs for my company and was able to replace it. Still, I never let a Mac go unguarded near one of the woofs now.
All the best from dark and dreary Stockholm.
What’s written on your hat? I think one word is Basset Hound, but I can’t read the rest of it.
Is there anything else? hehehe
Jon, I can just see that Macbook Pro flying. Sorry, I am chuckling. I know you were crying. But if we don’t laugh, we would cry more!
Which rescue is that Cat?
Gina, you have brought us many wonderful houndie stories and tons of fun. You will be forever in our hearts.
Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie Bear
RIP Gina. Thank you for your service in bringing basset news for all these years. Cat – the same thing happend to me a few weeks ago. Had to say bye to my red Gateway- costs more to repair than it is worth.
Now, Cat – what color laptop will you choose???? Maybe a “basset freckle” pattern?
We had our motherboard crash last winter. We found a place in Upper Michigan that rebuild units and sells them cheap. They gave us a warrenty on it also. The nice part was we up graded too. I sure was lost with out the system and missed all the fun hound pages. Good luck.