Apple G5 Gina passed away in her sleep last night…..
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Gina Lovers:
She was a good girl and worked hard for basset hounds all over the world, but last night, in her sleep, Gina peacefully passed into the great beyond. Gina died of Motherboard failure and her last words were, “Default Catch Code 1800”, which means goodbye cruel world. Gina is survived by her younger sister, Tina, a MacBook pro. She will assume her sister’s causes and passion for helping homeless basset hounds!
Instead of sending flowers please make a donation to your favorite basset hound charity in her honor.
Here is Emma in the next cubicle over from Gina.
More office news later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Gina lived a purpose-filled life, Cat. You were wise to let her go. I think she held on as long as she did to give Tina time to get up to speed so that there was no lapse in basset hound news.
Hope all in BHT takes time to celebrate Gina’s life. Is the Mayor going to proclaim Monday as a town hoiday to honor her?
We all feel your loss. Riley and Henri lay sadly by my feet weeping. We too loss a believed friend her Motherboard died in Nov. last year. She had no profound last words, just a cold blue look on her face. No family to pick up her place, we had to search for someone who could work as hard and fit in. Hope things work well for you and Tina. Happy holidays.
oh…we have lowered the flags here…so sad…donned black arm bands as well.
and have decided to mourn her in our own special way…eating foods we can order on line for 7 days…it’s the only right and just thing.
may her passage be easy…wonder if there is a computer chapel?
She is laying in State right now in my living room. She will donate some of her internal parts to my website guy.
She was so giving;)
oh while watching the cnn channel…i saw her…she looked so beautiful, and yet so calm…they did such a nice job on her.
cnn had the best coverage of all the major news channels i must say…i thought that she might be bumped by other news items but no, and rightfully so…a major story like this deserves major attention…such a loss of epic proportions.
at least i know that bassethoundtown security will not allow any gate crashers thru into unsecured areas…i am sure that by stationing romeo by the gate will deter them. such chaos at a national event like this would just be a travesty of justice and a failure of epic proportions.
WE salute you Gina……may you continue to “byte” for the bassets in that great “cyber beyond”
Lois – that is too funny. Romeo standing watch! CNN might even take a break from Tiger for a few seconds.
Although Lisa Bloom is fascinating.
I’m waiting to watch the motorcade, tking her to her final resting place. Can’t wait to see Cat in the Bassetmobile, with both Emma and the Mayor with their heads on the windows.
When’s visitation? I do hope the service will be televised, as we are expecting a huge snowstorm and I’m afraid we won’t make it.
My sadness is overwhelming.
I assume the motorcade will also include the riderless mouse???
The riderless mouse was just moved into the state room. I also removed her batteries. The mouse pad is now resting inside of my drawer. Click, Click! cough