Parker – the newest resident of Bassethoundtown! YES!

December 14th, 2009 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Foster boy lovers! Well, that is just what our Parker is!

BROOD foster Dad, Peter reports,

“Here’s an advance picture of our new foster Parker….


He was a ‘breeder’ and when he stopped breeding, he was dropped off at the SPCA. Geez! He’s a gorgeous boy and displays all the classic breed characteristics. As proud as the previous owners were of his stud capabilities at one time, they did not treat him very well. He is nervous around men and pees in submission. He also probably never lived in a home so his potty training needs some work. Both of these together will pose a unique challenge. He’s a very loving boy though and just melts into you for a cuddle.

More to come and thanks again!”

End of post from or wonderful Peter, Bassethountown resident and BROOD foster family.

Thank you for sharing Peter. I am sure you will check back in. We love you…

More loving foster families later! Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. Cindy, Jethro, Rugby, Ozzie and Harriet
    December 15th, 2009 | 9:52 am

    What a beautiful boy! Harriet was bred more time than I want to know then left at a kill shelter to be euthanized. I just can’t imagine treating an animal like that. Way too sad. But, Parker will be just fine! It takes time, patience and love. Being a foster family is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. Good luck Parker! You’ll be fine big pretty boy!

  2. Mary
    December 15th, 2009 | 10:50 am

    Welcome, Parker!! You are SO handsome and have quite the regal countenance! I love your throat cleavage:)

    Mary, Harley, Biggs and Leo (who is up for BOTW on the Daily Drool–shameless plug;)

  3. MaureenandSlinky
    December 15th, 2009 | 11:21 am

    Welcome Parker, I’m glad you are out of your previous uncaring environment.

    I am sure you will love Basset Hound Town, it’s a wonderful place, with wonderful Bassets.

    Peter sounds like good people to me, I am sure he will keep a special eye on you, and I can tell you can make everyones heart melt.

  4. wanda
    December 15th, 2009 | 11:56 am

    What a handsome fellow. Sounds like you have a great friend in Peter. Being the slave of Sir Henri and Princess Riley we are happy to know you are out of a loveless home. Merry Christmas handsome.

  5. kipandgus
    December 15th, 2009 | 7:55 pm

    Parker, you are one dandy looking houndie and Peter you are one dandy human being.
    Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie Bear

  6. December 15th, 2009 | 9:36 pm

    Parker – you have the thickest, softest looking ears! How could anyone leave such a sweet boy?!

    Peter – thanks for helping Parker learn about being part of a family and teaching him there is more to life than being a “stud”. Welcome to the best part of your life Parker.

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