An update from bassethoundtown resident, Trooper!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Trooper update lovers……
I know all of us in basset hound town are one of those! YES! Well, last night Trooper’s foster Mommy sent us an update….
“Trooper has not been feeling well for the past 3 days. He has had congestion, drainage, coughing, and a little fever. I called and spoke to the vet and she is having me give him antibiotics, Benadryl, and Prednisone because she does not know if it is his heartworms or a cough that is causing him trouble. He will go to the vet’s office tomorrow for follow-up. He is sleeping quite a bit now – but he got up in order to model his beautiful studded designer collar today. He asked me to tell you that this is his first collar and that it makes him feel good to know that someone cares about him. He said that he will always remember you and your extraordinary kindness to him when he was sick.
A very sweet lady by the name of Maureen sent him some yummy treats – and he enjoyed them so much! What a truly wonderful thing for all of you to do!
A lady on your blog commented on Trooper’s nails. When he came in, his nails were extremely long and the quick had grown out on them to the point that you see. Currently they cannot be trimmed any closer – but sometimes, I will sit down and use my nail file to smooth them so that he won’t hurt himself when he scratches.
I have attached a few pics of our little man.”
End of e-mail and start of pictures.
I just wanted all of my readers to know that I sent Trooper a collar that I had designed and had made years ago from all of us to himz.
This is the tag on the collar that Chaps models….
Here is the ad on my website for the collar. I had to show it to you so you can read how cool they are. Unfortunately, they are all gone.
So without further hesitation…..Our Trooper with his new collar on!
Oh what a pretty boy! Such a pretty boy! Then he went back to bed to rest!
You rest pretty boy. You need your rest. Thank you Ann for sending us these wonderful photos.
More loving Troops later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma
Thanks Ann for keeping us posted about Trooper. I am sorry to hear he has been feeling yucky. You are taking such good care of him – thanks for sending new pictures. Thanks for giving him the love and care he so desperately needs. Bless you.
Hang in there Trooper … you’re a precious boy.
Just look how very pretty he is becoming?! And he is so handsome in his new collar. That was so nice of you to send that Cat. Ann, bless you for taking such good care of him. He is going to be gorgeous when he’s well. I hope his problem isn’t heartworms. I’d rather he had a touch of the flu. Good luck at the vet! We look forward to hearing the outcome.
Ann, if I were not feeling well, I would want you to take care of me. Trooper is one lucky big fellow to have you in his life!! Have you measured those ears yet? They look quite long to me!!!
God Bless you Ann for taking such wonderful care of Trooper. We hope and pray that he will be running this spring in soft green grass and laying in the sunshine. I agree with Karen those look like mighty long ears. He has such a beautiful face. Thanks again and look forward to hear more about Trooper.
Thanks to Ann for sending the update. I was wondering about Trooper yesterday. Thanks also to Cat and Maureen for your kind gifts to him. Basset people just rock. Bailey and I will look forward to more Trooper updates as he continues to get better.
Thanks Ann for the update. We pray Trooper will feel better soon. What an angel you are Ann.
Cat, thanks for sending that barrooootiful collar. You are also an angel.
Trooper, you are very handsome in your collar!
Kip, Gus, Bonnie and Charlie Bear
I am so sorry to hear that Trooper is under the weather, I hope he is better soon. When he recovers he is going to be a suave and sexy Basset. All the female hounds will swoon.
Trooper had a setback last night – although this had nothing to do with him. He has had a cold with a great deal of congestion and coughing over the past week. After a few days on another antibiotic that did not seem to help him, I took him to see the vet 2 days ago. He was prescribed a new and stronger antibiotic – Zeniquin – and a new pain medication – Tramadol – along with Prednisone (although I did not give it at the higher dose level that was recommended by the vet) . After only a few doses, he vomited quite a bit of blood. At first it was dark brown and looked like coffee grounds – and then it became bright red. We gave him no more of those medications last night or this morning – and it has subsided now. He slept most of the day and didn’t eat until tonight when he finally ate some dinner. As badly as he felt though, he managed to live up to his name and greeted me by raising his head up and trying to look at me through those mange-crusted eyelids while he did his best to give me a tiny thump of a wag on the bed. Poor baby! I hope that is the end of it – but we will continue to monitor him carefully. He could use a few prayers right now though. Thank you so much for caring about this very sweet and very deserving little Basset Hound. He is a very special and precious soul who was undoubtedly sent here to be an inspiration to us all – truly a gift!
Oh Ann – I am so sorry to hear about our Trooper. I am so glad you are watching over him. You are so correct by saying that his precious soul inspires us all. I am so attached to him. I cannot thank you enough for the updates. ((((Trooper)))))
Love Cat
I am pleased to say that Trooper is a little better today. He got up an d walked around for short periods of time in between naps. He got a bath tonight and I put some creme rinse on the parts of him that have a few tufts of hair – so he smells the best that he has ever smelled since he came to us! The infection in his eyes looked a little better too since I have been combining warm soaking compresses with the antibiotic ointment that the vet gave us. He told me that he likes that very much and that I can use the warm compresses any time – as long as he can lay in my lap and get scratches too!
Trooper finally discovered belly rubs – and I have no doubt that he would stay there until my arm falls off! Right now, the only place that he can roll over on his back is the foam mattress. His backbone is still too prominent for him to roll over on his back on the floor – but he is slowly filling out and will soon be able to enjoy belly rubs anywhere, anytime!
Trooper asked me to thank everyone for your prayers. He said that they worked and that he is feeling much better now. He asked me to send you an e-drool from him along with a 21-Arrroooooo Salute!