Breaking news…Emma’s Gold Rush Snood sells!

May 3rd, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Givers Gain Lovers:

Well Emma is one of the biggest givers I know and I have always heard that, “Giver’s Gain”! Well, it just came true! Kip, Gus and Bonnie just bought the Gold Rush Snood for Emma! Well, I am very emotional today anyway because of my Kentucky Derby, and this has just pushed me over the edge. I usually cry when they sing my Ole Kentucky Home, but the tears came early today. I really am just so touched Kip! Thank you so much. This means more to me than you will ever know. Devon donated the snood, Emma modeled it and Kip bought it for her. Can life get any better? Slurp!


More Later…Cat, Chaps and Gold Rush Snooders Emma!


  1. May 4th, 2008 | 7:02 am

    Oh Emma, you look absolutely fabulous in your new snood. Kip really knows how to make a woman happy, doesn’t he? Love you Kip & Cat!!!

  2. Cat
    May 4th, 2008 | 9:06 am

    I know Marilyn, he is so good to us gals. I wonder what he will look like bald? hehehe, Cat, Chaps and Emma

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