Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Walking Club lovers…Today Daisy Lynn and I woke up to a very chilly May morning, 50 degrees to be exact! PERFECT FOR WALKING HOUNDS!
I want to start with the last picture of the day first! It was the absolute best!
Marsie and Nosey set it all up and I just love it. Hope you do too…..Oh, and all the rest of the pics!

Daisy Lynn was besides herself waiting to take off….

So excited that we got to the park an hour and a half before the walk started.
The hounds always arrive early so we were just in time! hehehe

The weather was perfect for the hounds! We had about a dozen!

Here we have Hank, Nosey and Daisy Lynn smelling all the way to the dog park!

Nosey and Daisy Lynn

This is Megan who showed up early to help me with all the hounds

Marsie and Nosey

Doodle and Lorelei

Judy and Abby (Daisy Lynn in background)

Doodle, Abby and Bumper

3 of the sweetest hounds ever. Can’t remember any names but this pack was the best and so nice!

Darcy, Hank and Abby (I think)

Wiener time!

There is plenty for all!

Me, Marsie’s Dad, Marsie, Daisy Lynn and Nosey

Time to go home!

See ya soon everyone!

Mayor Daisy Lynn had the time of her life. She crawled into the basset hauling vehicle and it was lights out! Sweet Dreams darling puppy, sweet dreams of many walks to come…

More loving the bassethoundtown walking club later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) hosting lots of walks over lots of rainbows….