Trip Advisor

The Lily Book Tour leaves Berea and head down to Cumberland Fall State Resort Park in Corbin, KY…

October 28th, 2016 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Cumberland Falls Lovers…


I have already posted the money shot from Cumberland Falls but I have a few more.  This is just the most beautiful State Park ever…

Look, you cannot disagree with me or the Mayor!!!

(Can you see the smokey mountains?)


Most folks come for the falls or the moon bow that happens when there is a full moon.  The condition make a rainbow over the falls when the full moon rises.  It was a full moon when we were there but Daisy Lynn and I were in our PJs getting to bed early so we could view this!


Sooooooooooo captivating and awe inspiring…after the sun came up we ventured over to the gift shops and dropped off the Lily Books and greeting cards.  It was so much fun spreading the joy that basset hounds bring where ever they go.


People just go wild for Daisy Lynn and her sweet nature.  I really did feel that she was bigger than the Moon Bow!!!

As we walked up to view the falls about 7 people knew her name from the day before!  It was so cute!  I felt like I was with a celebrity!  Well, I guess we were.  I just hope her power translates into sales for the Lily Book.  That would be totally pawsome!


The beauty of this park is breathtaking – but it was under construction.  They are making the viewing areas even more stunning.  It didn’t matter at all…we find joy everywhere with this place…


After we hit both of the gift shops and dropped off the Lily Books and Cards we went looking for a place to picnic.  OMDog look what we found…


This is right down from the main attraction (The Falls).  You have to drive to the end of the parking lot to find it.  I think most people might just pull out and miss it but look…there is a picnic table right by this totally pawsome bridge…


We were able to pull right up to it in the basset hauling vehicle – note, the basset we are hauling was passed out after her hike up to the falls…


The picnic was delicious and it was time to push on…

Off to continue on the Lily Book Tour…the inspiration still fresh as the sunrise…


Thank you Lily Pad Serina Vonfirstenburg child.  I think of you and Chloesterama Young Drama Hound everyday.  You both are my never ending moon bow…

More loving sunrises and late hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB showing off their moon bows..;)

Lily Book Tour Autumn 2016!

October 23rd, 2016 - 7:07 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Lily Book Tour Lovers…

I am going to break this blog up into a few segments because it is just sooooo long but sooooo fun!  I can spread the joy out!  LOL – First off, Daisy Lynn was swarmed everywhere she went.  She opened so many doors for the Lily Book and cards that it was AMAZING.  She is such a great girl and such a big help.  She never met a stranger…

The night before we left I spent a good deal of time getting all of my marketing packages together.  I signed all of the Lily Books and wrote my sales letter to the gift shops.


Here is the Mayor checking to see if I was doing it right…hehehe


The next morning we were up bright and early because we wanted to eat lunch in Berea, KY.  Daisy Lynn was ready and raring to go.  I am holding up the Lily Book Tour record book to document the take off!!!


We made it to the Historic Boone Tavern Inn about 2 hours later and had a picnic in a near by park.  Then we hit the Tavern Gift Shop and dropped off the Lily Book!


This place is amazing and there is a college in Berea.  The campus is just out of a picture book;)

The Historic Boone Tavern is right smack dab in the middle of campus.  Isn’t that interesting? It is also dog friendly so we will be back to stay for sure!


Our tour did not only including marketing the Lily Book and card packages but we also searched out local libraries and charities.

Here we are at the local Library…Daisy Lynn started crying inside and the librarian gave her a stern look!!!  We high tailed it out in quick order after dropping off the book!  hehehe


Next stop – Cumberland Falls KY State Resort Park…one hour down the beautiful fall leaf tour road of life…


More loving KY later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB reminding us there is a rainbow everyday on earth (not to mention a moon bow!)

Did ya miss me? LOL

October 21st, 2016 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow fellow basset hound and missing me lovers…LOL, I hoped you missed me!

Grandma, Daisy Lynn and I were on a leaf viewing trip and Lily book tour throughout KY…It was so much fun.  I am getting together a longer blog posting to tell you about our trip but for now I had to share these pics….

Sunrise – Cumberland Fall Resort Park, Corbin KY – 7:43am


Breakfast in bed – Dupont Lodge – 7:58am


“Extra Sausage Please…”

More loving the viewing and touring later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB sun shining down on all of us…)

“You have a real dandy hound there…”

September 27th, 2016 - 10:10 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Dandy Hound Lovers…OMGoodness, that was the cutest thing we heard on our overnight trip to Carter Caves Resort KY State Park.  Grandma, Daisy Lynn and I finally made it back to Carter Caves.  The last time we were there I got sick and Chaps had a panic attack so we high tailed it home.  That was back in 2012.

We had such a great time getting back to what we started so many years ago…

The day started out stormy but not too bad…

Look at the artistic picture that Grandma took out of the window…WOW!


On the way, there is a covered bridge that we adore.  ADORE!  – Another picture that Grandma took!  WOW!


We really wanted to have a picnic on the road that leads into the park.  We had the perfect spot all set up and ready to dig in!


Remember those clouds?  Well they broke open and we did the 5 yard dash to the car!  No one ran faster than Daisy Lynn!!! LOL


Hey, this could have been even a better spot to eat!  The rain was so cool!  We loved it. It was so much fun…Daisy Lynn was so funny…


OK, what is wrong with this picture?  This was for an overnight!  LOL!  OK, Daisy Lynn had her own bag and I was on a business trip for the Lily Book.  I had some inventory with me!

We walked up to the Lodge for dinner but we did a carry out.  Daisy Lynn wanted us to bring it back to the room which was fine with us.


We were anxious to start watching MSNBC and the pre debate coverage.


Then it was off to the gift shop to sell the Lily Book!  We have about a 1000 more KY gift shops to hit and every one of them will be fun!


Check this out!  We were also on a rock hunting mission.  Look at the treasures they had in the gift shop!


But the real treasures were on the way out of the park.  We got another picnic table that overlooked this…




The rocks were spectacular and we filled a few larger bags.  So much fun…



Adorable on her picnic blanket…


More loving dandy hounds and dandy times later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB searching for rainbow rocks…)

Cincinnati River Walk at Smale Park – 4 paws up!

July 31st, 2016 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and River Walk Lovers…Just about 5 minutes from bassethoundtown’s main location is this wonderful way to spend a day or a weekend.  We are so lucky to have this so close.

Cincinnati River Walk at Smale Park Walking Tour Map…

We started out right here, across from a 5 dollar parking lot.  You can see that wide, flat walking path right behind me.  It goes on for miles.


We love to walk but yesterday was too hot to go too far and we are never ones to push ourselves or be in a hurry!  LOL – I tell most folks who ask about basset hounds that they are great family dogs.  They are loving, kind, and safe.  I also say, “if you get a basset hound you can’t be in a hurry.  You have to take life with a slow paced stride and believe you me you will be better for it.”

So we found a cool place to stop and rest with all the other kids!  This cool mist come right up from vents in this little, quaint setting.


Daisy Lynn seemed to love it.  The kids (and kids at heart) sure loved her.  I would consider our Mayor one of the main attractions yesterday.  I could not even count the smiles we gathered up…


What a wonderful way to take a Saturday stroll.  We adore strolling.

And we adore swinging…


After our misting session we strolled down to the huge porch swings.  Yes, this is the front porch of Cincinnati.  Take a river boat or ride a bike and come swing.


There are about 40 or more swings.  The positive energy in this area is palpable.


Another good reason to have a basset hound is they fit under the swings!  hehehehe


A grand time was had by all on our front porch…


More loving strolling and swinging later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB misting in the rainbow cooling station…)


2016 first Picnic of the Picnicking Season;)

June 4th, 2016 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Picnicking Lovers…OMDog – we love to picnic in bassethoundtown.  We decided to venture about an hour away to one of our favorite spots called Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park.  I have done several blogs on this place before.  Here is one that really details the park’s history.  PYRAMID HILL...

What a lovely park but it does cost 8 bucks per person to get in.  We were the only ones there.  It was like we had our very own private art museum.

You can see one of the sculptures in the background.


I took this pic over by the sculpture to show what I think is the most beautiful art tree I have ever seen. It was Picnic Perfect!!!


Daisy Lynn wondered what those big things were??? Very interesting art for sure!



Grandma and Daisy Lynn enjoy the shade on Daisy Lynn’s picnic blanket.


As you can see our late Mayor Chaps Wayne Rudert is with us, at the table and ready for his treats!  hehehe

Oh, and that is our picnic bag with Daisy Lynn embroidered on it!  Howl cool is that???


This is Harry and I.  He had the vision and the passion.  Now he is gone.  We sat with him for a while and soaked up his dream…


He lived underground, the roof is that glass pyramid…

I did not see this sculpture the last time, maybe it is new but I love it.  Very intricate structure woven with branches, rope and various other earthen things.  Very cool!


What a treasure tucked an hour away.  It was very peaceful and serene to be all alone in this magnificent sanctuary for our first picnic of the picnicking season…

More loving vision, passion and dreams coming true later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB wandering around rainbow sculptures…)


Spring Grove Cemetery – 4521 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45232

October 31st, 2015 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and walking lovers…The Spring Grove Cemetery is one of those places that you enter and a sense of calm and pure beauty comes right over you.  Just jaw droppingly beautiful.

Here is a link that will come in handy when you visit.

“Welcome to America’s second largest and most beautiful cemetery and arboretum. This guide is meant to direct you to some of the more historic and artistic highlights that we’re sure you will nd fascinating. Generally, this walking route takes approximately an hour to two hours to complete but feel free to spend as much time as you’d like exploring our wonderful history, art, architecture, and landscape.”
Spring Grove consists of 733 acres with over 44 miles of paved roadways, a cascading waterfall and 15 lakes.
This is a little foot bridge that Daisy Lynn and I took.
This mausoleum is on the other side!  Wow – All of this for a tomb!  This article said it would cost in the millions today to build.
The trees were at their fall peak.  We picked the perfect day to enjoy the beauty!
Grandma took a short rest before Daisy Lynn took off again!
This structure is fairly recent – All pink and grey granite…
What a treasure this place is only about 1/2 hour from bassethoundtown’s main location.  We will go back in the spring. They also have trolly tours that focus on different aspects of the Cemetery.  That would be fun!
More loving day trippin’ later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB and by our side…)

Covington, KY River Walk is AMAZING!

July 22nd, 2015 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and River Walk Lovers…We have the coolest River Walk about 10 minutes from bassethoundtown headquarters.  It is so quaint and shady.  Today the Reds had a double header!  It was fun because you could hear everyone screaming and cheering!


This walk is nice in the heat of the summer because for the most part it is covered in shade.  We always make sure to test the pavement with the back of our hands to see if it is too hot for paw pads.  We have learned that paver stones seems to get hotter than pavement.


Grandma took this picture as well.  WOW!  This is the definition of Cincinnati, the Queen City!  Just after this pic someone got a home run and the crowd went wild!

More loving home runs in bassethoundtown later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hitting it over the rainbow!)

It was spring parade in Ault Park Cincinnati, OH

April 12th, 2015 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and spring parade lovers…OMD!!!  It was so much fun today over at Ault Park Cincinnati, OH.  I have blogged about Ault Park before but it is so huge and glorious that you just need multiple blogs to even begin to showcase its beauty.  Just 20 minutes from bassethoundtown main headquarters you can have a picnic and watch a parade of people and pets as you bask in the glory of some of the nations finest gardens.

But first a gourmet picnic that I prepared for myself and Grandma…


Rotisserie chicken salad sandwiches made with Jarlsberg red onion spread, caramelized yellow onions, hot pepper sauce, and almonds.

Cold rice and potato salad with peas, hot sauce and mayo.

Desert was to die for …I took a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a piece of corn bread with a light layer of butter and forked into a soft consistency.  I then rolled it into balls and covered with almonds…



I failed to get pictures of the other delectable delights but who cares??? LOL

We then went on our own parade around the park.  Here is Daisy Lynn and I in front of a delicate and somewhat rare yellow Magnolia…


This park is so cool.  They have these promenades that wrap around large flat grass areas.  You can’t really see what I am talking about but if you look to the right that is the large grass area where people lay on blankets and soak up the spring…


Then Grandma spotted this little flowering bush and had to pose Daisy Lynn…so pretty!


We walked for an hour or more and probably saw about a 100 dogs and I am not kidding.  In our opinion, Daisy Lynn was the prettiest! (Surprise, surprise;)


Then it was time to head back to bassethoundtown…Dreaming of our next promenade and of course chocolate cornbread almond balls!  LOL

More dreaming later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB having their own rainbow picnic!)

Leaf viewing with Grandma and Daisy Lynn…

October 24th, 2014 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and leaf viewing lovers….We are home from our 2 day trip and we had so much fun.  This was Daisy Lynn’s first overnight trip and she did wonderful…for the most part;)

We decided to re-visit Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.


We love this park and wanted to explore more of it.


All Kentucky State Resort Parks are dog friendly.  This is the Dupont Lodge and we have stayed here before with Chaps and Emma.  We just love it!


I think most bassethoundtown residents know that we love our parks it was a pleasure to come back to Cumberland Falls…

We are not trail walkers (due to bears in the area!)  We stick to the main walkways.


And the main areas are plentiful!


And mesmerizing…


We explored for hours…

CF14:8 CF14:9

After we got back to our room Daisy Lynn was a bit chilly so Grandma wrapped her in her gully.


Grandma and I really wanted to go to the dining hall for dinner but Daisy Lynn would have none of it.

That’s OK, we ordered in and it was delicious…


We had to rest up for our next adventure…Daniel Boone National Forest!


This made us gasp!  Beautiful and so peaceful.

Daisy Lynn also made many visitors gasp with joy!  Her presence was overwhelming to many.

I cannot even count the smiles she gathered…


More loving beautiful leaves and smiles later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB remembering the Dupont Lodge fondly…)

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