Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and time together lovers:
Well, all went without a hitch on this front and once again I was surprised by what happened. Keep in mind that Chaps is watching Emma every step of the way and Emma knows that he is right on the other side of the gate, they kiss many times a day. The purpose of the separation is to keep Emma from not jumping and getting too excited. Also, when Chaps enters the area she is in, he will automatically jumps on the couch which entices her to do the same. Also, Chaps wants to play. Poor boy.
However, what I found interesting, is when he entered her recovery room he was adement to go right into the ladies room.

Look at the concern on his face. He was frantic to protect Emma with his manly smells and once again, I dropped the ball on that one. He wanted his scent all over where she was going potty to ward off any other dogs who might be in the area.

He went potty right by the gate. Chaps never uses the ladies room and I know that he was trying to protect her. He also went poo poo potty in this exact same spot on his way back in. (I refrained from that picture)! LOL
When he entered the recovery room he went straight for her bed and rubbed his scent all over it.

As he was doing this he picked up the toy that Cindy sent and pitched it over to her to play with. It was if he was on a mission. I am still kicking myself for not realizing that Chaps had more purpose and thought in his brain than any human.
Next he focused on Emma. He swooped over to her. This picture is not that good, but we were all frantic thinking he might knock her down. That is me holding her up with her towel sling.

Next he kissed her. I cannot believe my Mom captured it. Those are Grandpa’s legs on the other side of the gate watching and gently talking to them.

Next, Mommy gave them a treat together.

Then another kiss………

Then, just like clock work, Chaps jumped on the couch. We held our breath as Emma tucked into her bed, on her own.

Sometimes you just have to listen to an Alpha male Mayor and not the doctor. Today’s lesson was better than any class I have ever taken. My heart is so full.
OK, Emma got a bit restless and wanted on the couch later, but Chaps was satisfied and left the area. I blockaded the couch and tomorrow he can mark his territory again.
That is just how life goes………one baby marking at a time!
More protecting later………..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma